Power of Hell

“This is the end!” yelled the captain of the angel army. “Your enemies are fleeing your presence and running to their final resting place. May your eyes look upon the demons and even the Devil himself as he cowers in fear. His fear is what drives him for he knows that our master’s power is far greater than that of his own. Lucifer has attempted to raise his image as the king of such a place to imprint false power. The irony of those who say the power of hell is against those who do good is that hell was created for those who are against us. Hell is a destination for those who sin. There is no power in hell except that of to hold and torment those inside. The only authority and permission of power that was given to such a God forsaken location was that of our master. Watch them take flight to their grave”.

Conclusion on thoughts:

Upon listening to the song “In Christ alone” music by Keith Getty and lyrics by Stuart Townend, there was one phrase that caught my attention. This phrase stated, “No pow’re of hell, no scheme of man, Can ever pluck me from His hand”. At first I was confused as to what power the writers were remarking upon. Was it not God that created hell for those who did not trust and put their lives in His hand? Now, if the writers had taken out the sentences of “No scheme of man” as well as “Can ever pluck me from His hand” then truly there is no power in hell. However with those sentences added right after “no pow’re in hell” could only refer to that there is a sort of strength against those who believe. Was Hell not created by God and under God’s Control? Was Hell not for those who disobeyed God and a destination of suffering? I am able to understand that the writers were stating there is a force against those who pursue God as well as a location that most people would not be seeking for a vacation however to put those two words of “power” and “hell” in a sentence would incite that Satan hold authority of hell against those who believe in God. God’s everlasting providential hands will hold his followers closer to him and away from hell of which he has placed for fallen angels as well as those who are servants of sin. If upon researching the inspiration to those verses and upon inspection, Romans 8:37-39 is written as, “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love God that is in Christ our Lord”.

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